Revitalizing Rockdale, One Brick at a Time…
Vision Historic Preservation Foundation’s project to restore & redevelop The 1895 City Hall into an Arts & Entertainment Center will transform historic downtown Rockdale, making The 1895 a beacon for tourism and reestablishing it as a community center of culture & commerce.
In order to accomplish this goal, Vision Historic Preservation Foundation is approaching the restoration & redevelopment project in well-planned phases. While we expect the entire project to take a few years to complete, we have a goal of opening & occupying different areas of the building as soon as possible.
Revive the Past: Make a Contribution!
Our biggest hurdle is funding.
The estimated cost of the entire project is between $5-7 million.
While we are proactively applying for many grants in the areas of historic preservation, arts, economic development, revitalization, energy efficiency, and more — contributions from individuals, organizations and businesses are needed. Most every grant and endowment requires matching funds — these matching funds also allow us to show grant makers our community’s support and level of engagement. Please invest in our community by making a contribution today!
Calling all Entrepreneurs!
As we progress into the construction phase of the restoration of The 1895, Vision Historic Preservation Foundation would like to begin entertaining concepts and applications from entrepreneurs, investors and developers who not only look to invest in their business, but who also wish to invest in The 1895 Development.
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